Christel GRILLET



Christel GRILLET, 54 years old, a notary in Saint-Aygulf (Var), was elected Secretary of the Bureau of the High Council of Notaries on October 22, 2024.
She oversees:

  • statutes and professional ethics,
  • discipline,
  • mediation specific to disputes between associates,
  • relations with liberal and regulated professions (PLR)

Delegate of the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal to the CSN (2008–2009 and then 2022–2026), she was a member of the CSN's Discipline and Ethics Committee (2022–2024).


Christel GRILLET served as an alternate delegate to the Liaison Assembly (2020–2024) and held various roles within the Var Departmental Chamber, including Treasurer (1998–2000 and 2000–2001), 3rd syndic (2008–2009), 2nd syndic (2012–2013), 1st syndic (2014–2015), and Vice President (2017–2020).
Christel GRILLET is married and has 2 children.