Notary and digital

To prepare the notary for the future and meet the requirements of its clients, the notarial profession has acquired advanced technological means such as a digital identity, an electronic authentic deed , but also videoconferencing.

In 2008, the secure signature of the Authentic Act on electronic medium was set up,

In October 2021, the 20 millionth electronic Authentic Act (AAE) was filed in the Central Electronic Minutier of Notaries of France (Micen).

More than 90% of authentic deeds are now signed electronically.

The first million was reached in February 2015 and the milestone of the 10 millionth electronic authentic act was attained on April 9, 2019.

From 2017, the notariat encouraged the equipping of offices with videoconferencing solutions.

The 1st remote Authentic Act was signed in October 2018 (with notaries at each end of the chain equipped with approved videoconferencing equipment and their clients). 

In 2020, in relation with the Covid-19 pandemic, the two decrees (n° 2020-395 of April 3, 2020 authorizing the notarial deed with remote appearance during the health emergency period and n° 2020-1422 of 20 November 2020 introducing notarized power of attorney with remote appearance) have sped-up the equipment of video-conferencing systems in studies.

With these new systems, the profession is gaining even more proximity and accessibility with citizens.

At the beginning of 2022, more than 85% of offices had at least videoconferencing, room or software access.

Notary and digital security

Id.Not, notary’s digital identity

In September 2017, the Superior Council of Notaries implemented an authentication system with a unique identifier for the notarial profession. The aim: build bridges between actors in the notarial profession and simplify usage, such as mobility.

The Real Key and the digital signature of the notary 

Same format as a USB key, the Real key (which takes its name from the name of Councilor Real– 1757-1834) allows notaries to authenticate an electronic document by affixing its seal . It is strictly controlled; the issuance of each key must comply with European Eidas regulations (electronic IDentification and electronic trust services) since July 2017. The signature used is said to be of qualified level. Very few organizations in France have such a high level.

The Real network

The notary has access to a secure network, built to include tools and functionalities, addressed to notaries and their employees.

Notary and dematerialized customer relationship

The charter for the ethical development of digital notarial. In order to allow clients and notaries to safely benefit from new services offered by start-up platforms, the notariat has drawn up a charter designed to frame these relationships and promote the ethical development of digital platforms. The signatories undertake to respect the rules of security and ethics.