International legal cooperation for the Civil Law Notaries institution

 Thanks to 29 cooperation agreements with 19 countries, the French notariat puts its expertise at the disposal of governments, international organizations and foreign notariats in terms of land security, training, notarial organization, ethics, the fight against laundering and creation of high-performance digital tools.

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French notariat at the heart of legal cooperation in China

The French notariat has been working in China for more than 20 years through institutional agreements, the training of Chinese jurists, and normative influence.

Institutional arrangements

The High Council of French Notariat also signed in 2010 a cooperation agreement with the University of Law and Political Science of China in Pékin; since 2013, it has an office made available at the Notarial Law Research Center of this University.


The Sino-French Center for notarial and legal training and exchange in Shanghai

The Sino-French Center for Legal and Notarial Training and Exchange in Shanghai (hereinafter "the Center") was inaugurated on February 7, 2001 following an agreement between the High Council of French Notariat (CSN) and the Bureau Shanghai Justice, in partnership with the Court of Cassation, academics, the Caisse des Depots. It is the only coordination structure of its kind established in China after 1949.

The Center aims to be both a study and research center and a place for professional exchanges, offering French legal experience through seminars and training. The professional cooperation actions and training programs are set up by the center and aim to strengthen the French legal presence and, more broadly speaking, the development in China of the continental conception of the principles and practice of law

Since 2001, more than 6500 notaries and lawyers, French and Chinese, have been sensitized to the legal cultures of the two countries through more than 60 seminars or symposia and dozens of events – including in partnership with the Embassy of France in Beijing and the Shanghai Justice Office.

Five French Keepers of the Seals and two Chinese Ministers of Justice visited the Centre.

About twenty notaries, magistrates and members of the Chinese administration are now following remote webinars, the latest of which focused on the new Chinese civil code and co-ownership as well as environmental law.

The Center is under the administrative supervision of the Shanghai Municipal Justice Bureau, representing the Ministry of Justice of China. The Caisse des Dépôts, partner of the French notariat, the French Ministries of Europe and Foreign Affairs and Justice also support this establishment.

On Tuesday March 8, 2022, the Superior Council of Notaries (CSN) celebrated the 20th anniversary in its premises, of the Sino-French Center for Notarial and Legal Training and Exchanges in Shanghai.

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