
General assembly of the Superior Council of Notaries (CSN)

Rez de chaussée

A key body of the Superior Council of Notaries (CSN), the General Assembly is the democratic lifeblood of the profession. It is made up of court delegates, elected for four years within each Regional Council and renewed for half every two years. The CSN General Assembly has 73 court delegates, almost equal, a sign of perfect representation of the profession, which has been profoundly transformed since the implementation of the 2015 Growth law.

It meets at least four times a year in plenary sessions. It examines the work of the commissions and votes on the budget, the measures and decisions which govern the notarial profession.

The members of the CSN General Assembly also meet in 6 committees once a month, based on a work schedule, which is established at the beginning of the year. The commissions are reinforced by the participation of delegates from the Liaison Assembly, who make up about a third of them, and who since 1950 have usefully informed the work of the General Assembly and the Bureau of the CSN. The reports and proposals of the commissions are submitted to the Bureau of the CSN and can be put to the vote of the General Assembly.


