The Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE)
Notaries are present in 22 of the 27 Member States of the European Union, representing more than 80% of the population.These notaries of Europe are grouped in the Council of Notariats of the European Union, called the CNUE which represents the notarial profession before the European institutions.
The family, property and working lives of Europeans are taking on an increasingly European and global character where the need for legal certainty is of utmost importance. The CNUE ensures ongoing monitoring of the needs and expectations of individuals and businesses in order to define its priorities and commitments and contribute to building a Europe governed by the rule of law that reflects the traditions of the Member States and ensures legal certainty, equal access to justice and improvement of the economic environment.
Notaries of Europe conduct the following initiatives
- Facilitate access to a notary who speaks his language ( or the law of another State through participation in initiatives related to e-JUSTICE and the establishment of registration cards. multilingual legal information
- Successions:,
- Matrimonial regimes and partnerships:;
- Real estate purchase:,
- Vulnerable people:
- Authentic instruments :
- Organize trainings on EU law and comparative law with the financial support of the European Commission.
- Extend the European Network of Wills Registers (RERT - This Network interconnect the national files of provisions of last will to locate as soon as possible the last testament carried out by a European citizen. It also interconnect national files of European estate certificate registers. The website also provides information on how to register and search for wills in European Union countries.
- Strengthen the European Notarial Network (ENN - which allows notaries from different countries to correspond in case of difficulty in order to solve the cross-border problems encountered, for the benefit of users.
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